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Different Together

Unique Together

Working Together.

Inclusion for Children & Young People in Lincolnshire

The Working Together Team is a National Autistic Society Beacon Status Accredited Service. We advocate best practice and provide specialist support to empower mainstream settings to ensure autistic children & young people thrive through collaborative working with families and professionals.

3 Key Areas of Difference


Social Understanding and Communciation

Differences in understanding social behaviour and the feelings of others, which informs the development of friendships and relationships.

Flexibility, Information Processing and Understanding

Differences in perception, planning, understanding concepts, predicting, managing transitions, passions for interests, and ability to absorb auditory or spoken information.

Sensory Processing and Integration

Differences in perceiving sensory information. Hypo, hyper, touch, sight, hearing, small, castle, vestibular inner ear and proprioceptive.

Upcoming Events

The young person is at the heart of every decision. This is evident from the very start of the referral process through to supporting settings to embed person centred strategies that enable autistic young people to succeed in mainstream school settings.

NAS Accreditation Review Team

It was a real privilege to be on the course and have the support my family have received from the team. Thank you.

Parent on Teen Life Course

Thank you all again for the programme. I really enjoyed it and found it so helpful, I'd go as far as to say life changing!!

Parent on Teen Life Course

A really engaging and inspiring session. It was great to see and hear so much passion for inclusion

School leader

X from WTT especially explained Autism perfectly and of all the training I have done over the years, I feel I came away having learnt and understood so much and can't wait to share with my colleagues.

Pre-school SENCO

A huge thank you, our meeting this morning has been an enormous help at refocussing our thinking regards supporting X and how we should move forward. It has also been a valuable reminder at how we need to evidence the smaller steps

Learning Mentor

Training was brilliant and well received, I’ve already had a thank you from a member of staff and it’s heartening to see them reflect and look at how strategies can benefit a whole class.


This Autism session is already brilliant. Do all teachers on teacher training get this, they should, as should every teacher or person who comes into contact with young people. This is so informative, accessible and relevant.

Post-16 setting